Friday, July 27, 2018

Salmon with Baby Arugula

July 27, 2018

Serves: 2
 Preparation Time: 25 minutes

Salmon(2 center cut filets)
 Olive oil (1 ½ tablespoons)
 Black pepper 
Lemon juice (1 ½ tablespoons)
 All purpose seasoning (1/8 teaspoon) For salad:
 Cherry tomatoes (130g, cut in half) 
Black pepper 
Wine vinegar (1 tablespoon)
 Baby arugula (60g) 
Red onion (40g, sliced)
 Olive oil (1 tablespoon, extra virgin)

 Directions :
 Season fish with all purpose, oil and lemon juice; marinate for 15 minutes. 
Heat skillet and place the salmon onto the skin side into the pot and cook for 3 minutes. Use a spatula to lightly lift fish to avoid sticking.
 Lower heat and cover pan; cook for 4 minutes until skin is crispy. 
Combine onion, tomatoes and arugula in a bowl then drizzle with vinegar and oil.
 Serve salad with fish.

 Nutritional Info:
 Calories 390 
Carbs 4g 
Fat 23g
 Protein 40g


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